Terms and conditions

Online vouchers Terms and conditions

1. Release & Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity
1.1. Motorsport can be dangerous. In respect of this you participate at your own risk or at your parent/guardian’s risk if you are under 18 years old. Any under 18 year old has to be signed for by an adult.
1.2. Spectators watch at their own risk. Any person entering the ‘live’ area of the circuit, including the pitlane, must sign this waiver. Children spectating must be kept under close supervision of a responsible adult at all times.
1.3. Larkhall Circuit will not be held liable for any accidents, or injuries sustained through involvement in this activity.
1.4. We reserve the right to refuse karting to anyone whom we consider a risk to the safety of themselves or anyone else on the premises.
2. Age Restrictions
2.1. The minimum age to participate in events and Timed Practice is 8 yrs old, with a minimum height of 1.4m.
2.2. The minimum age to participate in adult events is 14 yrs old, with a minimum height of 1.52m
2.3. If you are acting in loco parentis for children that are not your own, by signing the waiver you guarantee that the childrens’ parents are aware that they are participating in a motorsport and are aware of the risks involved.
2.4. Children under the age of 16, regardless of whether they are driving or spectating, must be accompanied by an adult who must remain on the premises for the duration of the child’s stay and accept responsibility for them at all times.
2.5. If you are an adult driving with your children, you must respect the fact that the junior driver’s safety is our absolute priority. Adult karts may be speed limited for the safety of younger drivers. If you are deemed to be driving in a way that places the junior drivers at risk, then you will be removed from the track at our discretion.
2.6. Proof of age may be asked for to confirm adherence to the age restrictions above. Any driver who cannot provide suitable proof of age when requested will not be allowed to drive.
3. Clothing & Equipment
3.1. You are required to wear the approved safety equipment provided by the circuit which includes, but may not be limited to a race suit, helmet and gloves.
3.2. Junior drivers are required to wear a neck brace in conjunction with all other safety equipment.
3.3. You may bring/wear your own equipment provided it meets our minimum standards and is approved by a senior member of staff. If we feel that your gear may not meet our standards you will be required to use our equipment.
3.4. If approved by us, your helmet must be full face and Moto X helmets must be used with goggles at all times.
3.5. Loose clothing, scarves, hoods, valuables, chewing gum and any sharp objects must be removed before changing into our safety equipment for your own safety.
3.6. Long hair must be securely tucked into your suit.
3.7. Where necessary for privacy or religious purposes, you may request a private area for changing.
3.8. Footwear must be trainers or similar. High heels, open toe, slip on, platform soles and shoes without adequate support are not permitted.
4. Alcohol and Drugs
4.1. You confirm that you are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
4.2. Drivers who are suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be prevented from driving at the discretion of the circuit staff, for the safety of themselves and others. You will forfeit any fees paid.
5. Medical Restrictions
5.1. You confirm that you do not have a medical condition that would prevent you from driving on the road or taking part in any physical exercise.
5.2. You have told us of any other medical conditions that may be of concern so we can advise you whether it is appropriate for you or others in your group to kart. These include, but are not limited to: heart conditions, back injuries, epilepsy, amputations/artificial limbs, hearing or sight impairments, or any form of mental or physical impairment.
5.3. You understand that if you exceed of the height/weight limits that the karts are normally designed to cater for, you may not be able to participate. As a general guide drivers above 200cm (6’4″) or 114kg (18 stone) should request a private seat fitting prior to your event so that we can assess suitability.
5.4. You may not drive if you are pregnant.
6. Behaviour and Adherence to Rules
6.1. We advise you to arrive 30 minutes before your booking for safety briefing and to change into your suits and safety wear. Any driver arriving after the start of the safety briefing will not be allowed to kart.
6.2. You will listen carefully to the safety briefing that you will be given and abide by the rules and guidelines laid out.
6.3. You understand that Larkhall Circuit expects drivers to adhere to its rules to ensure the safety of all drivers, spectators and staff, and that failure to adhere to these rules will result in removal from the premises.
6.4. We reserve the right to end sessions or remove drivers from the circuit early if we consider the safety of themselves or others is compromised.
6.5. We reserve the right to split your group into smaller groups on arrival if we feel that there may be a mixture of abilities or experience that could compromise the safety of any driver.
6.6. You will look after all safety equipment that you use and understand that damages must be paid for.
6.7. Anti-social behaviour on or off the track will not be tolerated and will result in removal from the premises.
6.8. We reserve the right to alter an event and the format if you are late on arrival for your booking.
7. Data Collection
7.1. You understand that various data collected by Larkhall Circuit may be used internally for marketing purposes, and your contact information may also be used to send you messages relating to future events, offers or other information we believe you may be interested in.
7.2. You reserve the right to unsubscribe from our mailing lists should you wish to discontinue receiving communications of this nature.
7.3. Your personal data will never be supplied to any 3rd party without your consent.
Voucher Terms and Conditions
Vouchers valid until expiry date marked on the voucher – certain restrictions may apply when booking. Bookings in which you intend to redeem your voucher must be made with reasonable notice, and you understand that our time slots are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
Vouchers are not exchangeable for cash and may not be resold.
Vouchers are single use only and non-refundable.
Vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
Vouchers, and the full voucher number, must be quoted when booking.
Vouchers must be presented on arrival and must match details provided when booking.
Drivers are expected to conform to all other Larkhall Circuit Terms & Conditions.
1. General
These terms and conditions apply in respect of all services supplied or carried out by Larkhall Circuit (hereafter referred to as the Company) and no modification or variation is binding on the Company unless in writing and signed by a Director of the Company.
These terms and conditions shall supersede any other terms and conditions the Hirer may seek to impose, and this Agreement of Hire shall not be transferable and shall in all respects be governed and construed in accordance with Scots Law.
2. Booking and Payments
The hiring fee or such other sum shall be agreed in writing between the parties and shall not be refunded to the Hirer other than in the event of cancellation of the agreement by the Company. We require full payment at the time the booking is made. Full race fees are payable by any individual who attends the pre-race safety briefing, even if that driver elects to withdraw from the racing at any later stage.
In the event that attendees arrive late, Larkhall Circuit reserves the right to refuse entry to the event although every effort will be made to assist where a genuine reason has caused the delay. No guarantee can be given in this regard and no refund is payable should the driver arrive after the designated arrival time.
3. Transfers
All payments are non-transferable.
4. Liquidated Damages
Should the Hirer cancel the event within 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the period of hire then the Company will be entitled by way of liquidated damages to payment of the balance of the hiring fee.
5. Termination
All dates stipulating payment shall be deemed to be the essence of this agreement and the Company shall be entitled to charge interest at the rate of 4% per month in respect of any amounts outstanding from time to time or may at its option in the event of non-payment treat this agreement as repudiated.
6. Force Majeure
If the Company is unable to perform any of its obligations by reason of any circumstance, cause or event outside its control including (without limitation of the generality of this clause) any government restrictions, adverse weather, riot, commotion, acts of God, industrial action, breakdown of plant or any failure of gas, water services or electricity, the Company shall be entitled to be relieved of its obligations to the extent to which performance of the obligations is prevented, frustrated or suspended. In such circumstances non-performance, part-performance or delay in performance of the obligations of the Company hereunder shall not entitle the Hirer to claim damages of any kind whether direct, indirect or consequential.
7. Exclusion of Liability
The Company shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Hirer for any consequential loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the Company, its servants, agents or employees (other than by liability which by Statute cannot be excluded). The Company does not accept responsibility for the property of the Hirer or its guests. Any goods deposited with the Company are at the owner’s risk and without any obligation on the part of the Company.
8. Indemnity
The Hirer shall be responsible and shall fully indemnify the Company for any damage intentionally or negligently caused by the Hirer, its sub-contractors, servants, agents or guests to any property of the Company. Should any such damage occur, the Company will specify in writing the damage and the Hirer shall within 7 days of receipt of the Company’s letter pay to the Company the sum required to rectify the damage caused.
9. Refusal of Admission
The Company reserves the right, subject to its discretion, to object to the attendance on behalf of or at the request of the Hirer any person in connection with any function. The Company reserves the right in its absolute discretion to refuse admission to the Hirer or any of the Hirer’s guests or subcontractors.
10. Amendments
No relaxation or indulgence which the Company may from time to time or at any time extend to the Hirer shall in any way prejudice or act as a waiver of the Company’s rights hereunder.
Camera Mount Use – Rules & Disclaimer
1. Larkhall Circuit accepts no liability for loss or damage to your equipment.
2. The camera must use a mount that is compatible with the mounts supplied on the karts.
3. The tether provided must be fastened around the base of your camera mount.
4. Cameras can only be fitted to the karts using the base mounts attached and provided.
5. The camera will not be changed over to another kart in the event that you have to change karts during an event or session.
6. Larkhall Circuit assumes ownership rights to any recorded footage during your session. In any event we may seize any recorded material during sessions.
7. Larkhall Circuit reserves the right to demand the removal of any footage uploaded to publicly available sites and networks for any reason.
8. Larkhall Circuit reserves the right to use footage recorded during your session for marketing and training purposes.
9. In the event that your equipment comes loose whilst on circuit you must return to the pit lane.
10. In the unlikely event that your equipment detaches from the kart during your session, you must return to the pit lane and notify a member of staff.
11. The Race Directors decision will be final and any footage from personal cameras will not be used in any judicial decisions, current or retrospectively.
Shoulder Mounts for Video Recording
The use of helmet mounted & chest mounted video cameras are not permitted at any time. We do allow the use of shoulder mounted cameras.
1. The camera must be mounted to the shoulder using the manufacturers approved shoulder mounting only. The Race Director will have the final say in case of any doubt.
2. We do not permit the mounting of a camera directly onto a kart.
3. Video recordings cannot be used in any protest or appeal whatsoever. The Race Directors decision is always final in all matters.
4. The camera remains the responsibility of the driver. Larkhall Circuit cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss, howsoever caused.
Alcohol and Drug Policy
Larkhall Circuit operates a very strict alcohol and drugs policy. In the interests of safety, neither will be tolerated. If we have any doubt whatsoever about a driver’s ability to drive, or if we suspect that he or she may be under the influence of either drink or drugs, we will not permit that person to drive Remember: 12 hours must have elapsed between your last drink and your arrival at Larkhall Circuit.
Note: We do not refund/rebook or otherwise waive any fees paid or due in the event that we disqualify a driver for suspicion of drink or drug use. The race director’s decision is final and non-negotia